Judicial systems in Member States - Greece
This section provides you with an overview of the court system in Greece.
Organisation of justice – judicial systems
Justice in Greece is one of the three functions of the state. In line with the principle of the separation of powers, justice is independent of the legislative and executive powers.
Types of courts – short description
Courts in Greece are divided into the following main categories:
Administrative courts (Διοικητικά δικαστήρια)
Civil courts (Πολιτικά δικαστήρια)
Criminal courts (Ποινικά δικαστήρια)
Court martial (στρατοδικείο), naval court (ναυτοδικείο) and air force court (αεροδικείο)
Supreme Special Court (Ανώτατο Ειδικό Δικαστήριο)
Special court for corruption lawsuits
Special court for liability of Ministers
Special court for disputes on remuneration of judicial officials
Court administration
Each court is administered by judicial officials: a president or a three-member council.
Court hierarchy
Civil courts:
District civil courts (ειρηνοδικεία), courts of first instance (πρωτοδικεία), courts of appeal (εφετεία), Supreme Court (Άρειος Πάγος)
Criminal courts:
District criminal courts (πταισματοδικεία), magistrates' courts (πλημμελειοδικεία), courts of appeal, Supreme Court
Administrative courts:
Administrative courts of first instance, administrative courts of appeal, Council of State (Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας)
Related links
Council of State
Administrative Court of Athens
Public Prosecutor's Office of District Court Judges
Greek Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
Supreme Court