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Legal Framework

Legal Framework of Strategic Investments

In this section you will find the legal framework which governs the Fast Track licensing of Strategic Investments.

Law 4608/2019

An English version of the new law for the Strategic Investments framework under law 4608/2019, will be available in short time.

Law 3894/2010 in codified form, as amended by and in agreement with Law 4072/2012, Law 4146/2013, Law 4242/2014, Law 4262/2014

Please download the legislation as applied today, in codified text of Law 3894/2010 with the amendments of Law 4072/2012, Law 4146/2013, Law 4242/2014, Law 4262/2014 incorporated thereto in the following languages: English and Greek. 

At various times there are some specific calls through EU funds that are open for 3 months.

For more information, you can contact us at [email protected]

Legal Framework

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