This Competition acknowledges outstanding customer service and the significance of a holistic shopping experience that meets the needs and expectations of consumers. Another key objective of the competition is to foster strong and positive relationships between consumers and traders. The competition aims to create an environment of mutual respect and trust, ultimately enhancing the overall consumer shopping experience.
This year, consumers will once again have the opportunity to express their appreciation for exceptional service by voting for their favourite local sellers. This initiative not only allows consumers to show gratitude to businesses that have provided them with high quality service, but also encourages sellers to maintain high standards. By participating in the voting process, consumers play an active role in recognising and rewarding local businesses, thus contributing to a culture of quality and customer satisfaction.
This year’s edition features six main categories in which consumers can vote. These are:
Fashion and Beauty – this category encompasses clothing, accessories, beauty products, as well as beauty services such as hairdressers, beauticians, nail technicians, spas and other related services.
Supermarkets and Mini Markets – this category includes all types of groceries and convenience stores.
Electronic Products and Household Goods – the goods covered in this category range from appliances, furniture, home furnishings, and all types of electronic devices.
Local Online Sellers – all local sellers that sell their product and services online may be voted by consumers under this category.
Travel and Transport Services – this category includes travel agencies and transportation companies.
Pet Shops and Gardening – this category rewards excellent service in pet care and gardening supplies.
These categories allow consumers to recognise businesses across a diverse range of sectors. Consumers can vote for multiple sellers, even within the same category, they however can only vote once for the same seller.
Consumers can vote through the competition’s webpage: This year, the voting period is between Tuesday 2nd July and Tuesday 30th July 2024.
Consumers also have the option to vote by filling in the competition flyers, which can be obtained from the MCCAA offices located in Blata l-Bajda. This convenient method allows consumers to cast their votes offline, providing an accessible way for everyone to participate in the competition.
Furthermore, consumers who vote have the opportunity to win one of four weekly prizes of €200 each.
Once the voting period comes to an end, the traders who receive the majority of votes undergo a vetting process to ensure they adhere to the Award’s code of conduct and the competition’s terms and conditions. This evaluation process confirms that the winners truly deserve the award.
The Award’s code of conduct stresses the importance of fostering customer friendly relationships within businesses. It encourages traders to communicate with their customers, understand their needs and ultimately deliver the necessary products or services. Moreover, when promoting products or services, the code mandates sellers to advertise and provide information in a manner that is clear and transparent, avoiding any misleading practices towards potential customers. Furthermore, upon completing a sale, the code requires sellers to offer adequate after-sales customer service and promptly address any customer complaints. Additionally, sellers are encouraged to avoid having disputes referred to the Consumer Claims Tribunal by opting to resolve them through conciliation.
The winners of the six categories will be announced at an award ceremony to be held in November this year. Each winner will receive a trophy and a certificate to commemorate the achievement. Additionally, they will be granted the opportunity to display the Servizz bi Tbissima logo in their retail outlets and on their promotional materials. This privilege serves as a mark of distinction, highlighting their commitment to exceptional customer service and enhancing their reputation among consumers.
Consumers are encouraged to actively participate in the competition by voting, while local companies are invited to promote it among their customers. This competition plays a vital role in recognising the top local companies and simultaneously inspires businesses to continually improve their services.
For additional details regarding the Premju Servizz bi Tbissima competition one may Contact Us on our website: or call on

2395 2000.
Illum 2 ta’ Lulju 2024, l-Awtorità ta’ Malta ghall-Kompetizzjoni u ghall-Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur (MCCAA) il-kompetizzjoni Premju Servizz bi Tbissima.
Din il-kompetizzjoni tirrikonoxxi servizz eccellenti ghall-klijenti u s-sinifikat ta’ esperjenza ta’ xiri holistiku li tissodisfa l-htigijiet u l-aspettattivi tal-konsumaturi. Ghan ewlieni iehor tal-kompetizzjoni huwa li trawwem relazzjonijiet b'sahhithom u pozittivi bejn il-konsumaturi u n-negozjanti. Il-kompetizzjoni ghandha l-ghan li tohloq ambjent ta’ rispett reciproku u fiducja, li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ittejjeb l-esperjenza generali tax-xiri tal-konsumatur.
Din is-sena, il-konsumaturi se jergghu jkollhom l-opportunità li jesprimu l-apprezzament taghhom ghal servizz eccezzjonali billi jivvutaw ghall-bejjiegha lokali favoriti taghhom. Din l-inizjattiva mhux biss tippermetti lill-konsumaturi juru gratitudni lejn in-negozji li pprovdewhom servizz ta’ kwalità gholja, izda wkoll theggeg lill-bejjiegha biex izommu standards gholjin. Billi jippartecipaw fil-process tal-votazzjoni, il-konsumaturi ghandhom rwol attiv biex jirrikonoxxu u jippremjaw in-negozji lokali, u b'hekk jikkontribwixxu ghal kultura ta' kwalità u sodisfazzjon tal-klijent.
L-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena fiha sitt kategoriji ewlenin li fihom il-konsumaturi jistghu jivvutaw. Dawn huma:
1. Moda u Sbuhija – din il-kategorija tinkludi hwejjeg, accessorji, prodotti tas-sbuhija, kif ukoll servizzi tas-sbuhija bhal parrukkiera, beauticians, teknici tad-dwiefer, spas u servizzi ohra relatati.
2. Supermarkets u Mini Markets – din il-kategorija tinkludi kull tip ta’ prodotti tal-merca u hwienet tal-konvenjenza.
3. Oggetti Elettronici u tad-Djar - l-oggetti koperti f'din il-kategorija jvarjaw minn apparat, ghamara, ghamara tad-dar, u kull tip ta' apparat elettroniku.
4. Bejjiegha Lokali Online – il-bejjiegha lokali kollha li jbighu l-prodotti u s-servizzi taghhom online jistghu jigu vvutati mill-konsumaturi taht din il-kategorija.
5. Servizzi tal-Ivvjaggar u tat-Trasport – din il-kategorija tinkludi agenziji tal-ivvjaggar u kumpaniji tat-trasport.
6. Hwienet tal-Annimali u tal-Pjanti – din il-kategorija tippremja servizz eccellenti fil-kura tal-annimali domestici u l-provvisti tal-gnien.
Dawn il-kategoriji jippermettu lill-konsumaturi jirrikonoxxu n-negozji f'firxa varjata ta' setturi. Il-konsumaturi jistghu jivvutaw ghal diversi bejjiegha, anki fl-istess kategorija, izda jistghu jivvutaw darba biss ghall-istess bejjiegh.
Il-konsumaturi jistghu jivvutaw permezz tas-sit tal-kompetizzjoni: Din is-sena, il-perjodu tal-votazzjoni huwa bejn it-Tlieta 2 ta’ Lulju u t-Tlieta 30 ta’ Lulju 2024.
Il-konsumaturi ghandhom ukoll l-ghazla li jivvutaw billi jimlew il-flyers tal-kompetizzjoni, li jistghu jinkisbu mill-ufficcji tal-MCCAA li jinsabu fil-Blata l-Bajda. Dan il-metodu konvenjenti huwa mod accessibbli ghal kulhadd biex jippartecipa fil-kompetizzjoni.
Barra minn hekk, il-konsumaturi li jivvutaw ghandhom l-opportunità li jirbhu wiehed mill-erba’ premjijiet ta’ kull gimgha ta’ €200 kull wiehed.
Ladarba l-perjodu tal-votazzjoni jasal fi tmiemu, in-negozjanti li jircievu l-maggoranza tal-voti jghaddu minn process ta’ verifika biex jizguraw li jaderixxu mal-kodici ta’ kondotta tal-Premju u t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet tal-kompetizzjoni. Dan il-process ta’ evalwazzjoni jikkonferma li r-rebbieha tassew haqqhom il-Premju.
Il-kodici ta’ kondotta tal-Premju jenfasizza l-importanza li jitrawmu relazzjonijiet ta’ hbiberija ghall-klijenti fin-negozji. Jinkoraggixxi lin-negozjanti biex jikkomunikaw mal-klijenti taghhom, jifhmu l-bzonnijiet taghhom u fl-ahhar mill-ahhar iwasslu l-prodotti jew is-servizzi mehtiega. Barra minn hekk, meta jippromwovi prodotti jew servizzi, il-kodici jobbliga lill-bejjiegha biex jirreklamaw u jipprovdu informazzjoni b'mod li jkun car u trasparenti, u jevita kwalunkwe prattika qarrieqa lejn klijenti potenzjali. Barra minn hekk, malli jitlesta bejgh, il-kodici jehtieg li l-bejjiegha joffru servizz tal-konsumatur adegwat wara l-bejgh u jindirizzaw minnufih kwalunkwe ilment tal-klijenti. Barra minn hekk, il-bejjiegha huma mhegga jevitaw li t-tilwim jigi riferut lit-Tribunal ghal Talbiet tal-Konsumatur billi jaghzlu li jsolvuhom permezz ta’ konciljazzjoni.
Ir-rebbieha tas-sitt kategoriji se jithabbru f’cerimonja ta’ premjazzjoni li se ssir f’Novembru ta’ din is-sena. Kull rebbieh se jircievi trofew u certifikat biex ifakkar il-kisba. Barra minn hekk, se jinghataw l-opportunità li juru l-logo ta’ Servizz bi Tbissima fil-hwienet taghhom u fuq il-materjal promozzjonali taghhom. Dan il-privilegg iservi bhala marka ta 'distinzjoni, jenfasizza l-impenn taghhom ghal servizz eccezzjonali tal-konsumatur u jsahhah ir-reputazzjoni taghhom fost il-konsumaturi.
Il-konsumaturi huma mhegga jippartecipaw b'mod attiv fil-kompetizzjoni billi jivvutaw, filwaqt li l-kumpaniji lokali huma mistiedna jippromwovuha fost il-klijenti taghhom. Din il-kompetizzjoni ghandha rwol vitali fir-rikonoxximent tal-aqwa kumpaniji lokali u fl-istess hin tispira lin-negozji biex kontinwament itejbu s-servizzi taghhom.
Ghal dettalji addizzjonali dwar il-kompetizzjoni Premju Servizz bi Tbissima wiehed jista’ jzur is-sit elettroniku tal-MCCAA: jew icempel fuq
