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MDB and MCAST aligned on Student Development and Career Readiness Initiatives

An informative visit by MDB Chairperson Leo Brincat and CEO Paul V. Azzopardi at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) focused on student development and career readiness.

The visit, hosted by MCAST President Mr Horace Laudi, underscored MCAST’s educational initiatives and how these align with the MDB’s core areas of focus, particularly in preparing students for careers in sectors critical to Malta’s economic growth and innovation.

During the visit, discussions highlighted MCAST’s strong commitment to equipping students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed in industries crucial to Malta’s economic growth and innovation.  MCAST’s initiatives in promoting career readiness also complement the MDB’s “Further Studies Made Affordable” scheme, which provides financial support for students pursuing further education.

The visit reinforced the mutual goals of both institutions in fostering a well-prepared workforce that will contribute to the development of key industries, driving forward Malta’s economic prosperity. Both the MDB and MCAST remain committed to ensure that students have access to the necessary resources to excel in these dynamic sectors.

13/09/2024 MDB
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