Company Service Providers:
- Companies registered to act as Company Service Provider in terms of the Company Service Providers Act, 2013
- Individuals registered to act as a Company Service Provider in terms of the Company Service Providers Act, 2013
Credit Institutions:
- Credit Institutions
- Freedom of Services and Establishments - Exercise of the freedom to provide services in Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishments - Exercise of the freedom to provide services outside Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishments - Exercise of the right of establishment in Malta
Financial Institutions:
- Agents of EU/EEA Electronic Money Institutions in Malta
- Agents of EU/EEA Payment Institutions in Malta
- Agents of Financial Institutions authorised in terms of Article 8A of the Financial Institutions Act
- Agents of local Financial Institutions licensed to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Electronic Money Institutions) outside Malta
- Agents of local Financial Institutions licensed to undertake activities under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) outside Malta
- EU/EEA Electronic Money Institutions exercising the freedom to establish a branch in Malta
- EU/EEA Electronic Money Institutions exercising the freedom to provide services in Malta
- EU/EEA Payment Institutions exercising the freedom to establish a branch in Malta
- Financial Institutions licenced to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Electronic Money Institutions)
- Financial Institutions licensed in terms of the Financial Institutions Act
- Financial Institutions licensed to undertake payment services under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions)
- Local Financial Institutions licensed to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Electronic Money Institutions) exercising the freedom to establish a branch outside Malta
- Local Financial Institutions licensed to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Electronic Money Institutions) exercising the freedom to provide services outside Malta
- Local Financial Institutions licensed to undertake activities under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) exercising the freedom to establish a branch outside Malta
- Local Financial Institutions licensed to undertake activities under the 2nd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Payment Institutions) exercising the freedom to provide services outside Malta
- Small electronic money institutions authorised to issue electronic money in terms of Article 3(7) of the Financial Institutions Act
Insurancel Institutions:
- Approved Auditors - Authorised to audit accounts of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries
- Approved Auditors - Authorised to audit accounts of insurance intermediaries
- Approved Auditors Register
- Captive Insurance Undertakings
- Captive Insurance/Reinsurance Undertakings
- European Insurance Intermediaries to carry on business in Malta under the provisions of Freedom of Establishment
- European Insurance Intermediaries to carry on business in Malta under the provisions of Freedom to Provide Services
- European Insurance Undertakings to carry on business in Malta under the provisions of Freedom of Establishment
- European Insurance Undertakings to carry on business in Malta under theprovisions of Freedom of Services
- Insurance Undertakings
- Intermediaries - Insurance Agents List
- Intermediaries - Insurance Agents Register
- Intermediaries - Insurance Brokers List
- Intermediaries - Insurance Brokers Register
- Intermediaries - Insurance Managers List
- Intermediaries - Insurance Managers Register
- Intermediaries – Protected Cell Companies
- Intermediaries - Tied Insurance Intermediaries (Companies)
- Intermediaries - Tied Insurance Intermediaries (Individuals)
- Intermediaries - Underwriting Agreements / Binding Authority Agreements
- Protected Cell companies writing insurance business
- Protected Cell companies writing reinsurance business
- Reinsurance Undertakings
- Third country Insurance Undertakings
- Third Country Reinsurance Undertakings
- Undertakings which have ceased
Notified AIFs:
- Back-Office Administrators (exempted)
- Back-Office Administrators (recognised)
- Custodians (exempted)
- Custodians (registered)
- Investment Managers (exempted)
- Investment Managers (registered)
- Notifications / Liquidations of Occupational Pensions
- Occupational Retirement Schemes
- Occupational Retirement Schemes - Cross border activities: IORP reg’d in
- Malta accepting sponsorship from sponsoring undertakings in EU/EEA
- Occupational Retirement Schemes - Cross border activities: Sponsoring
- Undertakings in Malta sponsoring an IORP reg’d in EU/EEA
- Personal Retirement Schemes
- Retirement Funds
- Retirement Scheme Administrators
Securities and Markets
- Alternative Investment Fund Manager - De Minimis AIFM
- Alternative Investment Fund Manager - Full AIFM
- Central Securities Depository
- Collective Investment Scheme Licence Holders - AIF
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders - Foreign
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders - PIFs
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders - PIFs - IC
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders - PIFs - ICC
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders – Retail – Non-UCITS
- Collective Investment Schemes Licence Holders – Retail – UCITS
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European AIFMs Passporting into Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European AIFs Marketing into Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European Investment Firms establishing a branch in Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European Investment Firms Passporting into Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European UCITS Management Companies Passporting into Malta
- Freedom of Services and Establishment - European UCITS Schemes Passporting into Malta
Securitisation Vehicle:
- Cells created in terms of regulation 22 of the Securitisation Cell Company Regulations (L.N. 411 of 2014)
- Licensed Securitisation Vehicle
- Notified Securitisation Vehicle
Trustees and Fiduciaries:
- Administrators of Private Foundations in terms of Article 43(12)b of the Trusts and Trustees Act
- Authorisation to provide fiduciary services in terms of Article 43(12)(a) of the Trusts and Trustees Act, which do not include acting as trustee
- Companies authorised to act as a Trustee or Co-Trustee to provide Fiduciary Services in terms of the Trusts and Trustees Act Nominees