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“MEA” – The TV Programmes

Malta Employers’ Association’s main concept of an ongoing initiative, is “Strengthening the Business Environment through Active Social Dialogue”, and one of the activities which MEA is organising to promote active social dialogue is the production of a series of TV programmes on Malta’s National TV stations. So far this has included a series of 25 minute programmes, broadcasted every week for a period of three years. It’s estimated that, MEA, already contributed with over than 3380 minutes of business knowledge, entrepreneurship guidance, and business support through these TV programmes. With the participation of more than 260 business experts and distinguished personalities from all walks of life, MEA is managing to deliver interesting information in an impartial manner, which definitely serves as a source of inspiration to new entrepreneurs. These TV programmes are all in Maltese Language.

Here is the comprehensive list of all produced tv programmes so far. One can access these programmes through MEA’s YouTube channel:;


  1. Education and Work 
  2. SMEs
  3. In-nisa fuq il-bordijiet
  4. Budget 2014
  5. Il-burokrazija
  6. Wistleblower Act
  7. Disability at the place of work
  8. Green jobs
  9. Iż-żagħżagħ u l-intrapriża
  10. Subcontracting
  11. Making work pay
  12. Christmas and Business
  13. Ersamus+
  14. Health and Safety at the place of work 
  15. Sales
  16. Sick leave
  17. ETC
  18. Ic-childcare centres
  19. Businesses and Liquidity 
  20. Pensions
  21. Youth and Pensions
  22. L-Ewroparlamentari
  23. Il-family businesses
  24. Ix-xogħol fil-qasam turistiku
  25. Ombudsman
  26. Work Contracts
  27. L-assenteiżmu fuq il-post tax-xogħol
  28. Budget 2015
  29. Foreign Workers ( EU )
  30. Foreign Workers ( non-EU )
  31. Il-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ tal-ħwienet
  32. The use of substance at the place of work 
  33. Aviation Industry in Malta
  34. Management of Human Resources at the place of work 
  35. Il-blacklisting regulations
  36. Industrial Tribunal
  37. Transport and Work
  38. It-tibdil propost fil-liġi tal-maternita'
  39. In-negozju u l-konsumatur
  40. Social European Fund 
  41. Apprenticeship
  42. Xi jfisser li tħaddem in-nies?
  43. Il-volontarjat u l-ekonomija
  44. Il-volontarjat ( 2)
  45. Cooperatives in Malta
  46. X'jiddetermina il-pagi?
  47. Mental Heath at the place of work
  48. Union recognition
  49. Innovation
  50. Id-diflazjoni
  51. Social European Model
  52. NEETS
  53. SMEs and the Digital Economy
  54. Gender paygap
  55. Il-globalizazzjoni
  56. L-eta tal-irtirar jew l-eta tal- pensjoni?
  57. CSR
  58. Country specific recommendations
  59. Blue economy
  60. MEA'S 50th Anniversary
  61. Employability index
  62. Social media
  63. Unions- collective agreements
  64. Bullying
  65. Young enterprise
  66. SME Awards
  67. Tattoos
  68. Multiculturism
  69. It-teknoloġija u l-futur tax-xogħol f'Malta
  70. Data protection
  71. Value Added
  72. Shop stewards
  73. Supported employment
  74. Financial literacy
  75. The Tourism Industry 
  76. Early school leaving and well being in Malta
  77. Public Holidays which fall at the end of the week.
  78. Brexit
  79. Teleworking
  80. Business Transfer
  81. Careers within the Health Sector
  82. Mediation
  83. Malta u l-Presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea
  84. Persons with Disability at the place of Work
  85. Shortage of Workers and it's implications
  86. Accreditation of Informal Education 
  87. Sick leave
  88. Waste management
  89. Females and Entrepreneurship
  90. Minimum Wage
  91. The University of Malta
  92. Parents and Sick Leave
  93. L-Innovazzjoni Soċjali u l-Unjoni Ewropea- “ideas from Europe”
  94. Equality Bill
  95. Family Business Act
  96. Financial Services
  97. Union recognition at the place of work 
  98. Household budgetary survey
  99. L-iżviluppi u tibdil fil-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ u l-għeluq tal-ħwienet
  100. Eskills
  101. Job Interviews
  102. Developments in Childcare in Malta
  103. Dyslexia
  104. Ir-Rwol tas-servizzi finanzjarji
  105. Health and Safety at the Place of Work 
  106. Il-festi pubblici li jaqaw fi tmiem il-gimgħa
  107. Wages and Rent 
  108. Equal Pay for Equal Work
  109. Workers under 18 years of age
  110. Wage regulation orders
  111. Wara l-presidenza
  112. L-ILO and  l-IOE
  113. ILO General Conference
  114. Demographic Changes in Malta
  115. EEPA
  116. Employee retention
  117. Social Problems at the Place of Work
  118. The European Social Pillars
  119. Soft Skills
  120. Il-borza ta’ Malta
  121. Inwork poverty
  122. Gozo Economy 
  123. Businesses and Exportation
  124. Lifelong learning
  125. The European Court of Auditors
  126. GDPR
  127. The online shopping
  128. Tourism and Accomodation
  129. The Media and Social Dialogue
  130. Prevention at the Place of Work
  131. Circular Economy
  132. The SMEWEEK
  133. The Difference in Wages
  134. The Pyrotechnic industry in Malta
  135. White paper on Rent Law
  136. Changes in VAT procedures
  137. Shortage of Workers in Malta
  138. Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency
  139. Obligatory Union Membership
  140. Company Doctors
  141. The importance of Foriegn Languages 
  142. Facilitating Business
  143. employment of ex-convicts
  144. my journey
  145. Ir-Refuġjati u l-Impjiegi
  146. gender pay gap
  147. Self-employed
  148. EU Funds
  149. Brexit
  150. Aging population
  151. Posted Workers
  152. Work-Life Balance
  153. Green Jobs
  154. Activism in Malta
  155. Ink EU Funded Project
  156. Right to Disconnect
  157. How effective is our enforcement? (kemm hu effettiv l-infurzar)
  158. MCESD
  159. Small islands economy
  160. FSWS services to employers and employees
  161. Cybersecurity
  162. Mental Health 
  163. Artificial Intelligence
  164. Employability Skills
  165. Wage Inflation
  166. Teachers and teaching
  167. Information and Consultation
  168. esports
  169. film industry
  170. igaming
  171. how climate change affect the place of work
  172. monitoring and surveillance
  173. definite period contract
  174. Brexit- new developments
  175. Filipinos in Malta
  176. Platform Workers
  177. Internships
  178. Malta Business Registry
  179. European Labour Authority
  180. Barber Shops within the new economy
  181. Green Deal
  182. Covid-19 - work conditions
  183. MFF - EU Financial package for Malta
  184. Covid-19 - mental health
  185. MCST
  186. Budget 2021
  187. Online learning / on the job training
  188. Changes in conditions of work
  189. Malta Development Bank 
  190. ISO
  191. Post-Brexit
  192. Intellectual Property Rights
  193. Entertainment Industry
  194. Revolving Door Policies
  195. The need of a Digital strategy which addresses the divide 
  196. Financial Participation
  197. Public-private partnership  
  198. Pay transparency
  199. EESC
  200. Challenges in Transport 
  201. Industrial Zones and INDIS Malta
  202. Director's roles and responsabilities
  203. Kooperatives in Malta 
  204. Crafts and artisian sector in Malta
  205. Pandemic impact on the Maltese Economy 
  206. Probation and Notice periods
  207. Covid-19 Vaccine and the work place
  208. Discrimination at the place of work
  209. Carbon Neutrality by 2050
  210. the GDP and Well-being
  211. School Leaving Age
  212. NGO’s share in the Economy
  213. National Foreign Direct Investment Screening Office
  214. The Maritime Industry
  215. Recovery Plan
  216. Logistics
  217. The Blue Economy
  218. The marginalised in the society
  219. Small Businesses and the Green Economy
  220. Cash Payments
  221. The Future of Europe
  222. Sustainability in the construction industry
  223. the overall minimum tax rate
  224. The Malta Qualifications Framework
  225. Careers in the Maritime Field
  226. Industrial Waste Management
  227. Alternative Dispute Resolution
  228. National Employment Policy
  229. e-translate
  230. 20 years of the Euro
  231. The Authority on the responsible-use of Cannabis
  232. besmart online
  233. Inflation
  234. HACCP
  235. The KOLA mechanism
  236. Shortage of Skills
  237. Employee Satisfaction online tool kit
  238. Enroute to change
  239. Work-Life-Balance
  240. Birth rate
  241. Ocean Literacy
  242. European Social Dialogue -Two Year Programme
  243. Buskers
  244. The need of continuous training of employees
  245. digitisation and ecommerce
  246. “ic-Censiment ta Hiliet”
  247. Tourism in Malta
  248. Taxation and VAT
  249. “Ic-Cavetta ghall-Futur” project
  250. the MEA 250th programme
  251. HR Managers responsabilities
  252. Definite Contracts
  253. just transition
  254. “be efficient – save energy”

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